Tuesday, October 1, 2024




Direction: Read this dialogue, and answer the question below.

dialog 1

Aldo: Hai Celine!

Celine: Oh hi, what’s up? You look like a panda with the swelled eye.

Aldo: I have been crying, actually my mother was angry because I didn’t pass the exam

Celine: Oh honey, I see. If you had studied well, you would have passed the exam

Aldo: Yeah, I regretted.

Celine: How about you talk to your teacher and ask her to give you a second chance?

Aldo: That’s sounds good.

Celine: So let’s go


dialog 2

John: Hey, did you know that Indonesia was one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)?

Bob: Really? That's interesting! I wonder how things would have been if Indonesia hadn’t joined the Non-Aligned Movement.

John: If Indonesia hadn’t been one of the founders, it probably wouldn’t have played such a big role in global diplomacy during the Cold War.

Bob: Yeah, and if other countries like India and Egypt hadn’t gotten involved, the movement might not have gained as much influence as it did.

John: Absolutely. And if these countries had taken sides with either the US or the Soviet Union, the world could have become even more polarized during that time.

Student B: I agree. If the Non-Aligned Movement hadn’t existed, many developing countries might have struggled more to assert their independence and sovereignty.

John: True! It’s interesting to think how different the global landscape would be if those leaders hadn’t made the decision to form the movement.

Student B: Exactly. History could have taken a totally different path!

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Jika kita berbicara tentang If Clause atau Conditional Clause, kita berbicara tentang Kalimat Pengandaian yang terdiri dari 2 bagian :

a. Main Clause

b. If Clause

Ada 3 bentuk Conditional Clause:

1. Present Real

Menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi sekarang (Present) atau waktu mendatang (Future) jika suatu kondisi tertentu terlaksana/terpenuhi. Kita gunakan If + S + V1 dalam If Clause, dan S+ will/can/may+ V1 dalam Main Clause.


a. If she comes, I will go with her.
 (Probably she comes).

b. If it rains, the children can play at home.
(Probably it rains).

2. Present Unreal

Menyatakan sesuatu yang berten tangan dengan keadaan sekarang. Kita menggunakan If + S + V2 dalam If Clause dan S + would/could/might + V1 dalam Main Clause.

a. If she came, I would go with her. 
(She doesn't come, so I do not go with her).

b. If it rained, the children could play at home.
(It doesn't rain, so the children can't play at home).

Pada conditional tipe 2 ini kita menggunakan were untuk to be (berlaku untuk semua subjek).

Contoh :

If I were you, I would go with him. (I am not you, so I will not go with him).

Kita bisa menghilangkan if dan memindahkan were ke depan kalimat.

Contoh :

a. - If I were a bird, I could fly.
- Were I a bird, I could fly.
(I am not a bird, so I can not fly).

b. Were I Judika, I could sing.
(I am not Judika, so I can not sing)

3. Past Unreal

Menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan keadaan di waktu lampau. Dalam If Clause kita menggunakan If + S+ had + V3, dan dalam Main Clause kita menggunakan : would have

S + could have + V3 might have

Contoh :

If she had studied English, she could have got a good career in her job.

(She didn't study English, so she could not get a good career in her job).

Kita bisa menghilangkan if dan memindahkan had ke depan kalimat.

Contoh :

If she had studied English, she could have got a good career.
Had she studied English, she could have got a good career.
(She didn't study English, so she couldn't get a good career).

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