Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Procedure Text

 Do it by yourself

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Example of  Procedure Text:


How to Successfully Organize a Musical Drama on Geopolitics, the Non- Aligned Movement, and Global Diversity


The goal of this procedure is to organize a musical drama that reflects the principles of the Non-Aligned Movement, promoting peace, neutrality, and cooperation among diverse nations. The drama will emphasize the importance of global unity and celebrate cultural diversity.


1. Script: A well-written script that focuses on the historical significance of the Non-Aligned Movement and its impact on global geopolitics. The script should highlight key moments that demonstrate the movement’s dedication to neutrality and peaceful coexistence.

2. Costumes: Costumes that represent the cultural diversity of the countries involved in the Non-Aligned Movement. Each costume should showcase unique elements of national identity, celebrating the unity in diversity.

3. Music and Dance: Musical pieces and dance routines inspired by various cultures, reflecting the global harmony emphasized by the Non-Aligned Movement.

4. Props: Flags, peace symbols, and other props representing global cooperation and the shared values of the Non-Aligned countries.

5. Venue: A stage large enough to accommodate diverse performances, ensuring space for cultural dances, group performances, and representations of unity.


1. Create a Script Focused on Global Peace and Cooperation

Start by writing a script that tells the story of the Non-Aligned Movement’s role in promoting peace during the Cold War. Focus on how member countries resisted the pressures of superpowers and maintained their neutrality while advocating for peaceful cooperation between nations.

Explanation: This step directly relates to the theme by integrating the geopolitics of the Non-Aligned Movement into the storyline. The historical context helps students understand how the movement contributed to maintaining global peace.

2. Design Costumes Representing Cultural Diversity

Prepare costumes that reflect the rich cultural heritage of Non-Aligned countries such as Indonesia, India, Egypt, Yugoslavia, and Ghana. Ensure that each costume highlights the uniqueness of each nation while promoting the idea of unity within diversity.

Explanation: The use of culturally representative costumes reinforces the theme of Kebhinekaan Global (global diversity). Each costume serves as a visual reminder of how diverse nations can work together in peace and solidarity.

3. Choreograph Dances Reflecting Global Unity

Create dance routines that combine traditional moves from various countries. These dances should be designed to symbolize the harmony and cooperation among nations, despite their different backgrounds. 

Explanation: By including dance elements from different cultures, the drama emphasizes global unity through creative expression, mirroring the collaborative spirit of the Non-Aligned Movement.

4. Rehearse with a Focus on Delivering the Message of Peace and Neutrality

Hold rehearsals where the actors focus not only on their roles but also on delivering the broader message of peace, neutrality, and cooperation. Ensure that all actors understand the significance of the Non-Aligned Movement and how their roles contribute to the overall theme.

Explanation: Rehearsals are key to ensuring that the cast communicates the core values of the drama—peace and neutrality. This connects the performances directly to the geopolitical message of the Non-Aligned Movement.

5. Prepare Props That Symbolize Global Unity

Use props like peace symbols, olive branches, and national flags from various Non-Aligned countries. These props will be used in symbolic scenes that depict the signing of treaties, peace agreements, or moments of global solidarity.

Explanation: Props enhance the visual impact of the message by representing concrete symbols of peace and unity, tying back to the theme of the Geopolitical role of the Non-Aligned Movement.

6. Perform the Drama and Engage the Audience in a Reflection on Global Diversity On the day of the performance, ensure that the introduction highlights the theme of geopolitics and the importance of maintaining peace through cooperation. After the performance, engage the audience in a discussion about the significance of global unity and how the Non-Aligned Movement’s values still resonate today.

Explanation: This step ensures that the audience is not just entertained but also reflects on the importance of peace and cooperation in today’s world, drawing a clear connection to the drama’s theme.

Procedure Text Material and Task click here

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Practicing Toefl Test

 Practicing Toefl Test 

(Just in case, you guys curious about toefl test)

Section 1 Listening Comprehension

The Audio of Listening Comprehension

Section 2 Structure and Written Expression 

Section 3 Reading Comprehension

Hitung Hasil Toefl Test:

1.) Hitung Jumlah Section 1 + Section 2 + Section 3

2.) Hasil 1.) dikali 10

3.) Hasil 2.) dibagi 3 


Tuesday, October 1, 2024




Direction: Read this dialogue, and answer the question below.

dialog 1

Aldo: Hai Celine!

Celine: Oh hi, what’s up? You look like a panda with the swelled eye.

Aldo: I have been crying, actually my mother was angry because I didn’t pass the exam

Celine: Oh honey, I see. If you had studied well, you would have passed the exam

Aldo: Yeah, I regretted.

Celine: How about you talk to your teacher and ask her to give you a second chance?

Aldo: That’s sounds good.

Celine: So let’s go


dialog 2

John: Hey, did you know that Indonesia was one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)?

Bob: Really? That's interesting! I wonder how things would have been if Indonesia hadn’t joined the Non-Aligned Movement.

John: If Indonesia hadn’t been one of the founders, it probably wouldn’t have played such a big role in global diplomacy during the Cold War.

Bob: Yeah, and if other countries like India and Egypt hadn’t gotten involved, the movement might not have gained as much influence as it did.

John: Absolutely. And if these countries had taken sides with either the US or the Soviet Union, the world could have become even more polarized during that time.

Student B: I agree. If the Non-Aligned Movement hadn’t existed, many developing countries might have struggled more to assert their independence and sovereignty.

John: True! It’s interesting to think how different the global landscape would be if those leaders hadn’t made the decision to form the movement.

Student B: Exactly. History could have taken a totally different path!

Click here for LKPD


Jika kita berbicara tentang If Clause atau Conditional Clause, kita berbicara tentang Kalimat Pengandaian yang terdiri dari 2 bagian :

a. Main Clause

b. If Clause

Ada 3 bentuk Conditional Clause:

1. Present Real

Menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi sekarang (Present) atau waktu mendatang (Future) jika suatu kondisi tertentu terlaksana/terpenuhi. Kita gunakan If + S + V1 dalam If Clause, dan S+ will/can/may+ V1 dalam Main Clause.


a. If she comes, I will go with her.
 (Probably she comes).

b. If it rains, the children can play at home.
(Probably it rains).

2. Present Unreal

Menyatakan sesuatu yang berten tangan dengan keadaan sekarang. Kita menggunakan If + S + V2 dalam If Clause dan S + would/could/might + V1 dalam Main Clause.

a. If she came, I would go with her. 
(She doesn't come, so I do not go with her).

b. If it rained, the children could play at home.
(It doesn't rain, so the children can't play at home).

Pada conditional tipe 2 ini kita menggunakan were untuk to be (berlaku untuk semua subjek).

Contoh :

If I were you, I would go with him. (I am not you, so I will not go with him).

Kita bisa menghilangkan if dan memindahkan were ke depan kalimat.

Contoh :

a. - If I were a bird, I could fly.
- Were I a bird, I could fly.
(I am not a bird, so I can not fly).

b. Were I Judika, I could sing.
(I am not Judika, so I can not sing)

3. Past Unreal

Menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan keadaan di waktu lampau. Dalam If Clause kita menggunakan If + S+ had + V3, dan dalam Main Clause kita menggunakan : would have

S + could have + V3 might have

Contoh :

If she had studied English, she could have got a good career in her job.

(She didn't study English, so she could not get a good career in her job).

Kita bisa menghilangkan if dan memindahkan had ke depan kalimat.

Contoh :

If she had studied English, she could have got a good career.
Had she studied English, she could have got a good career.
(She didn't study English, so she couldn't get a good career).