1. Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense adalah bentuk tense yang paling umum digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Biasanya, simple present tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan fakta, menceritakan suatu kejadian, atau kebiasaan yang terjadi di masa sekarang.
Rumus yang digunakan untuk membentuk simple present tense:
Subject + Verb 1 (Present Form)
- Contoh Kalimat Positif (Positive): “They take a bath twice a day.”
- Contoh Kalimat Negatif (Negative): “They don’t take a bath twice a day.”
- Contoh Kalimat Tanya (Question): “Do they take a bath twice a day?”
Click here for review Simple Present Tense
2. Present Continuous Tense
Berbeda dengan simple present tense, present continuous tense digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung waktu kamu berbicara. Selain itu, tense yang satu ini juga bisa digunakan untuk menceritakan rencana di masa depan. Untuk tenses ini, terdapat perubahan bentuk verb dengan penambahan –ing pada bagian akhir. Salah satu kata keterangan waktu yang banyak digunakan dalam tense ini adalah now.
Rumus: Subject + am/is/are + Verb -ing (Continuous Form)
Contoh kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut:
- Contoh Kalimat (Positive): “She is working on her homework now.”
- Contoh Kalimat (Negative): “She is not working on her homework now.”
- Contoh Kalimat (Question): “Is she working on her homework now?”
- Contoh Kalimat (To tell future plans): “Mark is moving to a new school next month.
3. Present Perfect Tense
Introducing the Present Perfect Tense
Explain the structure:
✅ Subject + have/has + past participle
- I have visited Japan.
- She has finished her homework.
- They have never seen a lion.
When to Use It
💡 Experiences (without saying when)
👉 "I have eaten sushi." (but we don’t say when exactly)
💡 Changes over time
👉 "She has grown a lot this year."
💡 Actions that started in the past and continue
👉 "I have lived here for five years."
💡 Recently completed actions (with 'just', 'already', 'yet')
👉 "They have just arrived."
Signal Words
Words that often appear with the present perfect:
- Ever / never → "Have you ever seen a ghost?"
- Just / already / yet → "I have just finished my homework."
- Since / for → "She has lived here since 2010."
- So far / up to now → "I have learned three languages so far."
Umumnya, present perfect tense adalah tense untuk menceritakan suatu tindakan atau aksi yang sedang berjalan atau baru saja selesai. Oh, ya! Ingatlah bahwa present perfect tense cenderung menaruh penekanan pada dampak dari suatu aksi yang sudah selesai dilakukan. Tentunya, dampak tersebut harus masih bisa dirasakan sampai saat ini.
Rumus: Subject + has/have + Verb 3 (Past Participle Form)
Berikut adalah contoh kalimatnya:
- Contoh Kalimat (Positive): “They have seen the movie Spider-Man: No way home.”
- Contoh Kalimat (Negative): “They have not seen the movie Spider-Man: No way home.”
- Contoh Kalimat (Question): “Have they seen the movie Spider-Man: No way home?”
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